Based on the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt. Received non-refundable support within the framework of the Foreign Market Access Support. The title of the project: Introduction of the technical plastic products of PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt. – selective waste collector bins, prefabricated plates, pipes, rods, seals made of special plastic – in foreign markets. The aim of the project is to strengthen the export market supplier activities of PEMÜ Zrt. and to establish the sale of self-developed products on export markets by establishing strategic partnerships. The project will also develop a website presenting PEMÜ’s high-level production capabilities and experience, as well as webshops promoting the sale of products. Improvements can help the company grow its sales revenue, especially its export sales.
With the new investment support program, the government intends to give further impetus to domestic enterprises in difficult situations by introducing their own products to foreign markets and strengthening their existing export market presence.